Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Good foods

Although our blog is based on fitness and sports, food plays a major role in both. To maintain a healthy body, get results, and feel better, people must get better eating habits. Since there are hundreds of examples, I have chosen three of my favorites, avocados, strawberries and yams. These three are awesome because they can be mixed into many meals, taste great, and are easy to obtain.

Avocados, like olives, are high in mono-unsaturated fats and calories. However, they are very rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals and packed with health benefiting plant nutrients. Dietary fibers help lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent constipation. Most people do not consume these alone, and they are usually incorporated in salads and dips.

One of the more famous yet not really appreciated fruits is the strawberry. Low in calories and fats but contains a rich source of many health promoting phyto-nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. Fresh berries are an excellent source of vitamin-C, which is also a powerful natural antioxidant. These can be eaten alone or thrown in a salad.

An alternative to potatoes, yams are a very healthy source of carbohydrates. One yam contains (on average) 100 grams of complex carbohydrates. This is a really good source of energy 1-2 hours prior to a high intensity workout for over 1 hour, or for those who do long distance running. Yams are also rich in vitamin B, which aides in the metabolism of carbohydrates, triglycerides, fats/lipids and proteins. Yams are also great for hair and nail growth and a good source of antioxidants when cooked at the right temperatures. Yams can be eaten as fries, mashed, and several other forms.

In the end, eating healthy will maximize your results, make you feel better and help you out in the long run. The biggest conception to eating these types of food is the taste, but when it comes to these examples, taste is no problem.

If you guys know any other foods that people might not know about, post them and then maybe we can spread the info!

Dietary fibers
Complex carbohydrates


  1. Last year in biology I studied different foods and their effects on the body. Another food that is really good for us is coconut. Coconut has a type of fat that is used for energy in our bodies. Putting just a few drops of coconut oil in a smoothie, meal, or other beverage helps to prevent and fight infections in our bodies. The substance in the oil is harmless to us, but strong enough to fight off other bacteria. There are even rumours that the oil's natural disinfectant are another cancer-fighting substance.
    Coconuts stimulate the thyroid, which is in charge of metabolism and energy.
    Coconut has a more neutral pH, and can sooth the stomach when sick.

    The best thing is, coconut is low in carbs, sugars, and tastes great!
    In relation to sports, coconut is a great source of energy before the big game.

  2. I've done alot of reading on foods, honey is also an extreamly healthy alternative to sugar and has natural antibactiral properties. Another thing that is incredibly good for you is the spice tumeric, as it is a natural means of controlling and stopping tumor growth. Apple seeds have even been proven to help remove cancerous growths from the body too. In addition to eating healthy, for anyone phyiscally active, they should consume 1.5g of protein for every pound of body mass.

  3. Lately I have been reading about apples. Although they are very simple, they are filling alternative to unhealthy choices. Eating an apple before a meal, in the morning or as a snack can cut down your calorie intake by half. By eating an apple before a meal you may skip the unhealthy carbs that you were planning on eating. By replacing a heavy snack with an apple you are getting your nutrition without the heavy calories. This tip is in many weight loss magazines but it is also useful to keep your body healthy.

    I enjoyed your article about avocados, strawberries and yams. Those are all very good for you. One thing I learned from your blog is that yams are good for your hair. I never new this but I will keep it in mind next time I have yams!
