Monday, January 30, 2012

I was watching my brother's hockey game the other night which ended up being a very physical game with injuries and many penalties. Having played girls hockey for many years, I started comparing the ways in which girls and boys take their anger out on the rink.

For girls it is very much an emotional game. On the ice, I found that the ways in which we expressed our frustrations were verbal more than anything. As hitting is not allowed and physical contact is closely monitored, talking is the only way to take anger out on the ice. The names that girls call each other are just as vulgar as they would be at school or at a bar. For me, it was always hard not to laugh when the ladies would get so worked out. I took my frustrations out by skating faster and shooting harder. After watching men's hockey for many years, it is obvious that they take their anger out in a more physical form. The hits and the fights are always intense and it makes me wonder if the boys fight because they are actually frustrated, or if it's just for show. In the NHL it is obvious that there are chosen players on the team that are designated to take most of the fights. As well, sometimes during girl's hockey it felt as if the name-calling was just to impress or please the other girls on the team. Perhaps this is the same for boys as well; to impress the team and the crowd.

If anyone has any insight as to why choose to fight with each other on the ice, I'd love to hear it. 


  1. I definitley understand what you mean girls in most cases alsmot always use words over fighting. I actually play soccer and a few games ago there was an actual fight between a girl on my team and another girl from the other time, i think it was the first time ive ever seen a fight on a soccer field. It is definitley crazy some of the names ive heard people been called.

    1. I play soccer as well, and I can count at least 1 time a game where I have had to talk myself out hitting someone. I am not a very aggressive player by any means, but the second a player starts getting aggressive with me, I give it right back. I find it is the less skilled players that will usually resort to hacking at the ankles, or slamming into boards. I will take the blue card if I keep getting heckled by the same player of the opposing team. For me, it worth it that when I get out of the box I refuse to deal with that. I also find it can sometimes be the refs fault. If the ref doesn't take control of the game or the situation right from the get go, things can get WAY out of hand. I agree with the name calling, its so ridiculous. The words they use don't even make sense in the context. Just hilarious!
