Monday, April 9, 2012

Boston Bruins vs. Washington Capitals

All is well in the world of hockey again.
The Washington Capitals clinched their playoff spot with a big win against the Florida Panthers last week. They got pushed up to 7th place in the Eastern Conference and are now going to be playing the 2nd place team and last years Stanley Cup champs, the Boston Bruins.

I have been hearing a lot of negativity towards the Boston Bruins. Many people who hate my favorite team, hope to see them cream the Bruins in the best of 7. I am not sure sure why people are hating on the Bruins so much. I know last year I was rooting for them against the Canucks. I've heard lots of people say their team is just full of goons. Which is understandable, but that's what works for them I suppose.

There is much controversy about goaltender Tim Thomas and his latest political antics.

And of course, everyone has something to say about Chara.

I think that Brad Marchand would be the most hated player from the Bruins. I have heard nothing but bad things about him over the weekend especially. On countless occasions, he has said or done things very unsportsmanlike.

Example 1: he called the Canadiens fans "classless" after a hit to Chara was made and blood poured down his face. Quite honestly, we all know if it would of been in Boston and that happened to...lets say...P.K. Subban, we ALL know the crowd would of been going nuts.  So lets not be so hypocritical there Marchand.

Example 2: Calling Buffalo the worst place in the NHL. Marchand rips on Buffalo and then after being asked on a different occasion bites his tongue and pleads he was joking.

Example 3: Dirty hit on Vancouver Canucks, Sami Salo and is suspended 5 games.

Example 4: Another dirty hit on CBJ R.J. Umberger.

As you can see, the list goes on and on. I really hope that Marchand doesn't pull any of these dangerous hits towards any of the Capitals in the upcoming games.

I am obviously hoping for a win out of this series from the Capitals. If Ovi is hot this round, the atmosphere of the entire team will change, hopefully resulting in a win.  I think this series will go to the best of 7 for sure.


  1. I can never hate the Bruins, after defeating the Canucks in the Cup final last year. The Bruins are defiantly a physical team, but goons? I dont think is the right term. Marchand plays on the edge and sometimes goes over it, I cant argue that. But so does Ovechkin, he has alot of questionable hits throughout his career and warming his hands over his stick against Tampa was classless. But I would take Marchand on my team any day, he is gamer and I would take him especially in the playoffs when you need that grit. I also cant argue with his analysis of Buffalo, that place is a dump. I see the Bruins dispatching the Caps pretty easily, Caps have injury issues in net and im never a fan when you have to rely on Europeans to win the cup.

  2. "I am not sure sure why people are hating on the Bruins so much. I know last year I was rooting for them against the Canucks."

    Also, when your in the public eye, and a professional athlete, you should probably watch your mouth when talking about the places you visit. Its disrespectful.

    And I'm pretty sure half of the NHL relies on Europeans to help win the cup...

  3. Bruins are such goons, I hate them.
    Marchand goes over the edge all of the time.
    Lucic's hit on Miller was "Classless", I think that takes the cake as compared to Ovi's hot stick cele.

  4. The Bruins are my favorite team as well, they beat vancouver for one and i don`t think they are goons, what happened with Chara in Montreal was an accidnet because of where he got hit where the glass ended. As for Marchand i think he is jsut a good aggressive player, and Everyone has dirty hits its not always on purpose and it is part of the game, its why they get paid the big bucks. GO BOSTON !!
