Sunday, April 8, 2012

Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

Branch chain amino acids are extremely useful for your body pre and post workout. Your body needs the Amino Acids to help recover post workout and repair to torn muscles. With the help of amino acids we are able to eliminate the stiffness/pain day after working out the certain muscle groups you have worked on. Many products on the market are full of amino acids to help repair muscles faster and make the individual get bigger. BCAA's are found in protein, and many protein powders have added Branch Chain Amino Acids within them.

The science behind Branch chain amino acids are to repair torn/injured muscles. Technically protein contains branch chain amino acids as proteins are used to repair and rebuild muscles. BCAA's account for approximately 1/3 of your skeleton system.

In 2011 the top selling BCAA product was "GP3" made by Advanced Genetics. GP3 has an amino acid blend, with many other ingredients within it to give you added benefits pre and post workout. Taurine is one of the ingredients within GP3, the purpose of Taurine is to give your body a little added energy. Taurine helps provide your muscle more oxygen to your blood which allows better oxygen flow to your muscles, allowing you to work out longer and harder with less muscle fatigue. Kre-Alkalyn is a form of creatine (mono-hydrate creatine is most popular) but kre-alkalyn doesn't retain water weight, while mono-hydrate creatine retains water weight and gives you a bigger look. Beta-alanine and glutamine aid in the recovery of torn muscles which allow you to get stronger and bigger faster!

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