Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Play-off Pool

So I just recently, this morning, joined a play-off pool!
My first ever play-off pool. I don't think that this is a traditional play-off pool because the players I chose can be picked by other people as well. In total I have 21 players.
I'm not sure if there are "do's and dont's" of play-off pools.
So far, I tried to pick a few players from each team just incase the teams I loaded up on get eliminated.
I didn't pick anyone from Nashville or New Jersey. I could of picked Parise or Fisher, but other guys caught my eye a little more. Of course I picked numerous players from the Caps. I bit my tongue and didnt pick them all! Only Ovi, Backstrom, and Laich

I'm the only girl in this play-off pool, so it was be such sweet satisfaction if I won it.

So if anyone wants to make a play-off pool with their friends, I recommend checking out and make an account.

Happy Play-Offs.

1 comment:

  1. That is really cool! I have always wanted to join a hockey pool cause I am an avid hockey fan, but never have really had the chance to. My boyfriend is part of a playoff pool with his friends and I can almost guarantee that will be all he talks about for the next little while. That is a great link you posted. I will have to check it out!
