Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Calgary Roughnecks.

This past weekend I attended one of the most exciting live sporting events that you can attend in Calgary and that was watching the Calgary Roughnecks defeat the Buffalo Bandits in the Saddledome. If you have not attended an NLL game, this is defiantly something worth checking out. Tickets run about 30- 60$, your best option is to buy the cheapest ticket and basically pick your seat when you get in, as no one checks tickets and there is enough empty seats that no one seems to minds. The game we attended the Roughnecks beat the Bandits quiet easily, with the final score being 17-6 Calgary. The game was filled with non-stop action, they have a DJ who plays music throughout the course of the game, and sometimes his music selection is pretty horrific. The game is filled with big hits, lots of scoring, and the occasional fight. I am sure that some people have already seen this bench-clearing brawl from youtube that involved the Toronto Rock and Buffalo Bandits. If you are a hockey fan, I am certain you will find much enjoyment in lacrosse. My only complaint which is the same every time I go to the Saddledome is that 7.50$ for a beer is ridiculous they need a student beer price, just my thought. With very little good sports teams in Calgary and now the Vipers leaving town this is truly your best option to see a solid team live. The Roughnecks will be home this coming Saturday March 31 as they take on the Stealth. It is defiantly worth checking out and with tickets being pretty cheap it is a much better option then wasting your money on that new movie Hunger Games, which in my opinion was way to long and boring. With the Flames soon to miss the playoffs again this year, the Calgary sports fan will need something to fill that sports void, and I truly think lacrosse is the answer. Hopefully I will see some people down at the Saddledome this Saturday, feel free to buy me a beer as I talked about earlier they are out of my price range. Hope to see you at the game.


  1. I have only been to one Roughnecks game and I have to agree it is quite and exciting experience! There is so much energy and the high scoring doesn't hurt either. Considering the Flames are out of the playoffs, attending a few more lacrosse games might be in my future. I also agree with your comment about implementing a student price beer, because let's be honest $7.50 is a little much, especially if you are planning on having more than one.

  2. I've gone to a couple of the Roughneck's games but I agree that is it action packed and filled with non-stop entertainment. From what I've heard, and from the little I know about the sport, Calgary is ranked among the best teams even though the league is relatively small.

    Ice hockey is exciting in it's own way, and although lacrosse is somewhat similar to it, it's also very different. I watch a ton of soccer games so I can enjoy a good game with few goals being scored. But let's face it, regardless of the sport, the more goals scored, the more exciting the game is. Lacrosse is one of those sports where it's common that many goals are scored. I had to admit though, you were lucky to witness 23 goals in a single game!

    Apart from the high scoring games, the fights are just awesome. Most of these guys are bigger than hockey players so when they fight, they definitely put on a show. Especially because they are fighting on solid ground rather than skates on ice. I haven't seen the brawl between the Toronto Rock and the Buffalo Bandits but this is a video I'll definitely check out.

    I'm pretty sure you can find cheaper tickets for around $15 but I could be wrong. I always see sale discounts for half price tickets. People who've never been to a game should attend one because they're without a doubt missing a spectacular show.
