Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hopping on the Bandwagon

As the play-off's near in the National Hockey League its time to see who are the true fans of their respected team, and who is someone that jumps from bandwagon to bandwagon. At the beginning of this season the Winnipeg Jets came back into existence, and immediately you began to see Jet's memorabilia flying off the shelves. Automatically hockey fans from all over became fans of the Jets and my sister is one of them. After it was confirmed that Winnipeg was getting a team again my sister went and bought a jersey, and a hat. As well she requested me to get her a shirt, and blanket for Christmas. She was one of the people who hopped on the Winnipeg bandwagon and ditched cheering for the Calgary Flames (can understand why as the seasons coming to a close). 

There was a scene at the end of the Calgary Flames last home game where fan(s) started throwing their jerseys on the ice. 

Right here is proof that both the fans of the Flames organization have completely given up hope on the season. I personally find it pretty entertaining how the fan is willing to toss a hundred dollar jersey on the ice without hesitation. Although comical it's kind of disappointing to see how fans are willing to jump on and off the bandwagon instead of staying loyal to "their" team. Here's the NHL standings to watch the play-off race heat up.

Bandwagon hopping happens in every sport, this is apparently obvious when it comes to the NFL and the CFL. In the CFL it seems that the Saskatchewan Roughriders are everyone's second team. As soon as your team is out of contention everyone resorts to cheering for the Riders. Ever been to a Calgary versus Saskatchewan game at McMahon Stadium? Well go, and you'll see there is more green than red in the stands. 

Personally I'll always cheer for my teams no matter what! For NHL I cheer for the Calgary Flames and will till the day I die. Although I always root against the Vancouver Canucks. For CFL I've always been a Stamps fan and will remain a stamps fan and for NFL I'm a Ravens fan!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. I can see how frustrated Flames fans must be getting constantly cheering for a losing team. But every team has their ups and downs, some more then others. I am a Caps fan, and they had an unreal start to the season, but after that, an awful losing steak which resulted in their head coach Bruce Boudreau being fired. You have to stay loyal to your team during times like these, but its a complete let down to have your team not make the play offs for 3..or is it 4, consecutive years in a row.
