Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Common Gym Etiquette

Over the past few days I have had a few bad experiences while working out. It made me think of what is some common "norms" or an etiquette that fellow gym members should be following to show some respect.

First incident happened when using the squat rack and on two separate occasions a person from a group of people playing basketball had their ball come into my squat rack in the middle of my set. Second incident when I was doing dead-lifts a few days later a member from the same group from the previous incident bumped into my when doing my set. Honestly thought I would be slipping a disc in my back yet again.

This made me think of what some common gym etiquettes could be, well from a personal perspective. With some from the help of my workout buddy as well. Life Hack website help add a few points to the list I created. Many other websites out there have lists and blogs about common gym etiquette as well but this sums up my opinions.

1) When someone's headphones are in leave them alone. They are there to concentrate and focus on their workout and don't want a distraction. Personally speaking I hate it when someone comes and starts a full blown conversation with you when working out. Yes being socials nice and all, but during a workout I want to get in and get out.

2) Don't hog a machine, or piece of equipment for extended periods of time. Sure you may need it but others would like it as well. Nothing bugged me more then those guys who do a set of bench sit there talking to 4 or 5 people crowded around them then did another set 10 minutes later. Show some respect and don't take all day on the same piece of equipment.

3) Respect other people's space. This is closely related to my two previous incidents at the gym earlier this week. I prefer to walk 10 feet extra around another way to give someone the space they need at the gym, rather then crowd them. I'm still freaked out about my back from the incident and that's because someone didn't give me some space in the middle of an exercise. Never nice to get injured due to a lack of respect.

4) Don't judge someone based on their abilities, we all start off somewhere and that was you one day. As well always offer a spot! Nothing is worse then having to workout alone without someone there spotting you, so offer one up to someone whose working alone because one day you'll be that guy requiring a spot.

5) Clean up after yourself. If you take something, return it to where it was originally found. Unload your bars, replace your dumbbells and most definitely whip down your sweat! Sounds yes, but no people refuse to do it and it's not nice having to search around the gym for a piece of equipment, or know your laying on someone's sweat.

6) Keep the volume down, either ipods, cellphones, or a conversation. Show some common courtesy and allow people some peace when running, biking or lifting. This applies to those guys who grunt when lifting weight, sure your so tough making lots of noise. Keep your comments to yourself, try to lower the volume because not everyone cares about your life as much as you do.

Please hone in and let me know what you guys think should be added to this list. More answers the merrier as we all have a pet peeve that bothers us when at the gym.

1 comment:

  1. If you have ever seen Jenna Marbles videos on Youtube she does a video about this topic and here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh_yc6AKXLI. What she says is so true and I think that everyone has had an experience like this. I also hate when you are at the mirror and people walk in front of you. It is that hard to take three more steps and go around me. I am looking in the mirror for a reason and people just don't have the common courtesy to walk around. It just gets annoying when it happens all the time and there is an easy solution.
