Monday, March 12, 2012


                                                     Picture retrieved from (

In the past few weeks I have come to love my new workout program known as "Insanity". Released in 2009, it was called the hardest workout put on DVD. Sold via infomercials by Beach-body fitness company, "Insanity" was created to top their already popular "P90x" workout video which was released in 2011.

When I compared P90x to Insanity I found a huge difference, not only with results, but also enjoyment. Unlike P90x, Insanity requires no dumbbells, no chin-up bars and 60 days instead of 90. Led by Shaun T, fitness trainer and choreographer, Insanity allows you to know your limits, but also stretch them to their farthest extents. Throughout the entire workout, Shaun continuously tells you to "dig deeper" and voices his concern about quality over quantity.

Only 3 weeks into the 60 day trial, I have come to enjoy their method of "max interval training" which involves long workout sessions and short breaks. his method has proved to work great, and peoples responses to this program have been completely positive.  

The insanity program comes with 10 insane workouts, a calendar to keep track of progress, and a nutrition guide. Here is a quick summary of the workout and results:


Once completed I will post my beginning and final results, and then you guys can decide whether you believe in the program. If anyone has previously or is currently using Insanity I would love to hear about your story.

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