Monday, March 12, 2012

Bad teen Habbits

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As a teen, school, work, partying and overall life distracts me from making all the right healthy choices. Although I try to eat right, be smart and follow the rules, life will always cause some sort of unbalance. Through some research and personal experience I have found a few things that teens and even adults do that shouldn't' been happening as often.

First we look at skipping the most important meal of the day, breakfast. in a statement made by the American Dietetic Association, they claimed that more than half of male teens and more than two-thirds of female teens do not eat breakfast on a regular basis. Being very important to starting the day off on a good note, eating breakfast upstarts your metabolism, which helps with weight control, mood and school performance.The second habit teens tend eat too snack on high fat and multiple calorie snacks. The main problem with these snacks are that teens will tend to consume them quickly, late at night and in large amounts, this can lead to obesity and depression in teens as well as adults. The last bad habit that teens suffer from is the consumption of fast food. In a study done by UCLA found that teens in unhealthy neighborhoods were 17 percent more likely to drink soda every day and 18 percent more likely to eat fast food at least twice more than those is healthier neighborhoods.

Although there are several bad habits that teens seem to get into, I believe that these are some of the main ones. If anyone has advice or experience with these habits feel free to comment and give your insight.

1 comment:

  1. I agree breakfast is essential for teens and Ive had days where I would feel exhausted just because I never had breakfast at all. I think even having a meal replacement or some sort of fruit can be enough to help with mood and school performance
