Monday, March 26, 2012

NFL off-season 2012

This off-season of the NFL has been full of extreme amounts of drama! Usually I hate the off-season as I am unable to watch people smash heads and the game isn't being played. Although this off-season has been the exception, as there is a lot of drama and excitement. All of this excitement is making it really exciting as I can't wait for the season to begin.

Obviously the big news is Peyton Manning. Last year he missed the full season do to numerous neck surgeries. He's been one of the greatest NFL quarterback's since he's started playing in the NFL. After a season of coaching his former team, the Indianapolis Colts, he got traded to the Denver Broncos. After accepting a 5 year 96 million dollar contract, the most highly valued free agent of 2012 was signed.

Much speculation was happening after Manning was signed to the Broncos, because the Broncos faithful were curious about what would happen with former quarterback Tim Tebow. Tim made a huge difference in the NFL last year, with sub-par statistics, but very religious beliefs made him the most loved/hated quarterback in the league. He was able to win games in the 4th quarter, which astonished the league, he lead the Broncos to the first round of the play-off's. The Bronco's fans had mixed emotions as they have arguably one of the best quarterbacks in the league, but also another quarterback who has changed the game!

Tim Tebow ended up getting traded to the New York Jets shortly after Peyton Manning signed with the Denver Bronco's. This lead to a lot of debate because the Jets already have an inconsistent quarterback (Mark Sanchez) but now have another inconsistent quarterback Tim Tebow. Tim was traded to the Jets with a 7th round draft pick, and the Broncos in return received the Jets fourth and sixth round draft picks for the 2012 NFL-draft. This will be an interesting trade to watch throughout the 2012 season.

Finally in reference to the NFL bounties (by Marshall Brady), there has been a lot of drama revolving around the Saint's football organization. Bounties are money being placed by the team/organization for taking certain players out of the game. The Saints have had their head coach suspended for the season without pay, this costing the head coach Sean Payton over 5.8 million dollars. The general manager of the Saints, Mickey Loomis received an eight game suspension. Assistant head coach, and Linebacker coach, Joe Vitt got a six game suspension. As well the defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams has been suspended indefinitely for implementing the bounty program since 2009. On top of the suspensions, the Saints have been fined $500,000 and lots their second round draft picks for 2012, and 2013 NFL draft. All of these suspensions, and fines have been a result of an investigation ongoing from 2009.

All of this happening in the NFL has been great for NFL fans, and is adding excitement for the start of the season! I'm really looking forward to seeing how all these trades and suspensions pan out throughout the season.

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