Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Home Fitness

Although most that do workout do so at the gym, you can get the same or even better results at home. By doing this, you can save money, save time, save the embarrassment (if your a shy person) , and enjoy yourself all at the same time.

In a previous post I talked about Insanity and P90x, workout programs created by Beach-body that within 60 and 90 days, you can gain muscle and get amazing results quickly. Costing around $100, each of these are great choices for at home solutions, but their are other solutions. Simply with a set of dumbbells, preferably a few different weight sizes, a person can successfully do several workouts including your biceps, chest, shoulders, back and triceps. Knowing how to do proper form for squats and lunges can improve legs quickly, and modified sit-ups can tone your core faster than ever.

Here are a few examples of workouts you can do at home:

Proper dumbbell curl

Proper Triceps Extension

Proper chest press

Proper shoulder press

Proper dumbbell row (back)

In the end, working out at home leaves no room for excuses, weather, the roads, the time, the parking, or the over population of the gym are no longer acceptable. If you take advantage of your own personal gym at home, and eat right, a healthy body is just a few steps away.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Although the idea of working out seems like a good idea, I find that it is often hard to motivate myself to do so. I would much rather spend my days at the gym with tons of people or outside going for a run. There is just a part of me that associates being at home with relaxing and I find it almost impossible to work out while being here.

    Last year my family got really into the whole P90x scene. It was an amazing workout and I recommend it to anyone who, unlike me, enjoys getting active at home. Making it through the full 90 days is something I wish I could master but it does not look like that is going to happen in the near future. Have you tried it?

    For christmas my mom bought my dad the second P90x. Have you heard of it? It is even harder than the first one and comes with a lot more equipment. It is a lot more expensive though and I think at this point you can only order it from their website. Here is the link to the website if you want to check it out:

  3. Yeah I completely understand, working out at home is for those who either don't have the time or ability to make it to the gym everyday. I enjoy the gym because it allows for competition and an interactive setting, but i also enjoy working out at home because I can be myself. Working out at home allows people to feel free and act normal I guess, most people at our school gym for instance might be completely different at home, whether it involves their performance or their overall attitude.

    Yes I did see the new version, it looks awesome but yeah the money factor does increase. The argument still stands that if you want to be in great shape, it might cost a few more dollars. People spend hundreds at the gym and get minimal results, programs like p90x are for those who was results now.
