Thursday, March 29, 2012


The most recent sports movie I saw that relates to the blog posting would be Goon with Sean William Scott. It is a semi-biographical movie about a tough guy who learns to skate and earns himself a spot on a semi-pro hockey team as their enforcer. Overall I thought the movie did a very good job of portraying the incredibly difficult task of being a hockey enforcer. The director also did an excellent job of showing the camaraderie that a hockey team can have when going through a rough patch. It also does an excellent job of showing the respect aspect between the tough guys. I thought Sean William Scott showed really good range as an actor, as he played an introvert tough guy. But the true the star of the movie was aging tough guy Ross Rhea played by Liev Schreiber. This character was written and portrayed perfectly. His mannerism were so spot on from the big thick handlebar mustache, to the taped up wrist, his interactions with other players, and his trash talk was perfect. There is also a cameo by former Edmonton Oilers tough guy George Laraque, which I thought was a great casting. Overall the movie was very solid, it did an excellent job of portraying hockey players and tough guys in general. The locker room talk was pretty close to what you would hear at any arena. Overall I would give the movie 3 stars out of a possible five. Defiantly worth seeing in theatres or renting when it comes out. The only thing I would say go on Tuesday as some movie theatres have a half-off day. Also if you keep your large cup and bag don’t throw them away, empty them out and then bring them back for your next movie so you will get free refills on pop and popcorn, I do this all the time saves me about 15$ each movie, never been questioned on it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the informative review of the goon. A few of my friends saw it and said very similar things about it, but still told me that it is worth seeing. I think this will be one of the next films I'll be seeing as nothing else sparks my attention. 21 Jump Street was absolutely hilarious and that was the latest show I've seen. I highly recommend seeing 21 Jump Street, as it is extremely funny!
