Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Madne$$

March is possibly one of the best months for sorts,  NHL teams and NBA teams are fighting for the last few playoff spots, or home bids in the playoffs,  NFL free agency begins ,  college football practices and inter-squad games start up and probably most famously March Madness begins.

                March madness is the given name of the NCAA college basketball playoff, and every year you are guaranteed to see all the drama that a sports addict can handle, from major upsets, to legends in the making. Over the past years we have seen Kansas win the tournament by the skin of their teeth, and a freshman Derrick Rose of Memphis tear up the national stage, and secure the first overall pick in the draft. If you go back even further you can see a young Michael Jordan of North Carolina University nail a last second jump shot to win the tournament for his team, or Kareem Abdul Jabbar take the UCLA Bruins to 3 consecutive national championships.

Austin Rivers
Photo Courtsey of GotSports
                This years tournament holds just as much intrigue as any in the past there are many intriguing underdogs such as Long Beach State University or Murray State whom may come out as a Cinderella story, and knock off a few top ranked teams on their way. There are also the favourites like Kentucky and North Carolina, who seem to have everything going for them and are loaded with future NBA superstars. 

                One player to keep your eyes on is Austin Rivers, the son of legendary Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers. He is the starting point guard for Duke, who is coached by Mike Krzyzewski statistically the best college coach of all time. Austin Rivers is not only extremely well coached, but also possesses a ‘clutch’ gene almost like Michael Jordan. His last second game winning 3 point shot against North Carolina will go down in the history books as one of the most clutch shots in the history of college basketball, and will be replayed for years to come.

                Hopefully this year’s tournament turns out to be one of the best of all time as it is poised to do. And if we’re lucky we may see a few superstars in the making, and some lifetime highlights. After all who knows, we might see the next Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant take the court this year.

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