History of Hockey:
Known as the`` ball and stick`` game hockey has been around since the time of ancient Rome, Scotland and Eygpt and South America. The first NHL season was in 1917-1918, but were playing NHL hockey as early as the late 1800`s.
In 1893 Lord Stanley donated a trophy to be given to the best Canadian hockey team each year. It became known as the Stanley Cup.
In 1924 the Boston Bruins beat the Montreal Maroons in the first ever NHL game played in the United States.
Definition of Hockey:
The definition of Hockey by book is a game where two teams play with sticks and a puck, the teams try to shoot the puck into their opponents net. Hockey is also more then a definition it is a way of bringing people together. Hockey is a definition of Canadian identity and has been a part of almsot every Canadaians life.
In today`s NHL players are bigger and faster than they were a long time ago. This results in more head injures happening to our players. In an article in the Globe and Mail it talks about how head injuries are a growing controversy in young hockey players. The deabte is whether they should implement testing to players who have received concussions and only allow them to play once they are well again. Parents argue that they should have tests done to make sure their kids are safe to play again, others may argue that it is simply a part of the game and if the kid feels okay they should be able to play. Most NHL advocates are doing everything they can to get rid of head shots in the NHL by suspending anyone who does an imporper head shot. There are many points of view on this debate, there are those who feel head shots should be done away with completey and the player who does the hitting should be penalizied more, there are also people who beleve that there is no way of avoiding this issue becuse hockey is now such a fast paced hard hitting game.
Many of the players in the NHL are very large in stature as you can see from the right hand picture and goals are harder to score today than they were in the past.
International Perspective:
Many player are not jsut from North America or the UNited States many of our favorite players come from Sweden, Russia and Finaland. HOckey also has the junior league where team Canada, the US , Sweden, Russia, and many international teams come to compete. The Olymics are also on an international scale each player gets a chance to play for their country and comepete against some of their own teamates.
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