Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What is going on in the NHL!?

What is going on with the standings in the NHL this season!?
Things are just ridiculous.
Teams that haven't been in the top eight in many years are becoming top of the conference!
It is insane.

Last night's game was a big win for the Calgary Flames...
But who are we kidding, it really doesn't make a difference. Flames are in 11th in the West, and have played 77 games. Most of the teams ahead of them have only played 76. Flames are going to need to win ALL of their games, and everyone else ahead of them need to lose in order to move them up in the standings. It's always quite close in the West, many teams only within 1 or 2 points of each other.

I am going to blame the Washington Capitals for letting go of 2 of their star goalies to other teams.
Jose Theodore, goalie for the Florida Panthers has been doing unreal this season. Florida is in 3rd place in the East right now. He was one of the main reasons for the Capitals success a few years ago. Goal tending is key for this team. Another classic Caps mistake, letting go of Semyon Varalmov. He did decent in the 2009-2010 seasons for the Capitals. Then slightly went downhill, so I understand. Still not going to let it go though. Colorado is one place ahead of the Caps.

Capitals have made top of the southeast division champs the last few years, and now are trailing behind The Panthers by at least 3 points. Caps must win their game tomorrow against the Buffalo Sabres. They are both neck and neck fighting for the 8th place playoff spot.

Also, St. Louis! What is in the water in Missouri!? When was the last time The Blues have been top of the  West. They are even beating The Canucks. Which I'm not complaining about. My only explanation for this sudden increase in wins would be for Halak and Elliot! They seem to have a very well rounded team. Not many "superstars" on there.

Anyways, hopefully things gets back to normal
and happy playoffs.

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