Saturday, February 25, 2012

Get Fit: Not Just For a Rockin Bod !

Being fit as we have always been told has led to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body, in the entry I`m going to discuss the specific benefits of working out in general. On one website i found it shows seven benefits of exercise, I will only go into about 2 or 3 important ones:
1. Exercise Controls Weight:
When you take part in physical activities whatever they may be (swimming, walking, running, hockey etc.) you burn calories. The more intense your workout the more calories you burn. Working out also boosts your metabolism and helps you to maintain your healthy body weight.
2. Exercise Prevents Disease:
Being active helps more than just your physical appearance, it also helps your body on the inside. Being fit boosts your high density lipoprotein or ``good cholesterol``. Exercise also helps to ward off many other diseases such as heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, depression, certain types of cancers, and arthritis. what more explanation do you need to hop on the treadmill or take the stairs every so often!
3. Exercise Boosts Energy:
With regular physical activity your body will have more energy to focus into your daily routine. How this happens is when you workout oxygen is sent to your tissues and heart (all the important places !) and helps them to work better, and when your body is working more efficiently you have the energy to hang out with friends, or go snowboarding or a movie or whatever.

Working out is one of the best things you can do for your body, besides eating healthy. If your still not convinced to get off the couch and go for a run than here are some more benefits to reassure you that this is important.
This next point should be especially important to us as students, if you workout for even a little bit everyday as you are more active your mind becomes more active and this leaves you less prone to grogginess and lapses of concentration. It has also been seen as a good method for dealing with writers block.
Other reasons to exercise include cleansing of toxins from your body( via sweating), better sleep, longer life span, stress relief, confidence,

So what have you got to lose, get out there and get fit !

1 comment:

  1. There are so many benefits of working out! I completely agree that working out really boosts your energy! Whenever I feel sleepy or lazy it is usually because I am not working out enough. I enjoyed your blog because it points out why excersing is good for health benefits, not just personal appearance.
    Working out can also help people fight sickness. Whenever I get sick my mom forces me to go jogging once or twice a day and I always wake up feeling so much better. It is easy to be lazy when you are sick but getting your body moving helps fight colds fast.
