Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How You Can Kickbox Your Way To Fit

Kick boxing is a fast growing popular workout that is becoming quite popular. Kick boxing dates back to Asia about 2000 years ago, while modern kick boxing sarted in the 1970`s. One of the most popular types of kickboxing is known as aerobic or cardiovascualr kick boxing, this reults in complete physical conditioning and toning. The toning and benefits come from the intense workout of kicking and punching. To see best reults repitition is always key.

Many celebrities take up kickboxing to keep up their A- list bods, Victoria Secret models in particular take up kick boxing models Lily Aldridge, and Miranda Kerr have added kickboxing to their workout routine. So as we can see that anyone who watched the Victoria Secret Fashion show can see that obviously kick boxing is working out quite well for them.

Kick boxing has several health benefits such as great cardio benefits because it gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Kick boxing also promotes healthy lungs and practitioners have also reported mental clarity.

Including health benefits kickboxing does have some physical benefits such as
- muscle toning
-weight loss
-increased flexibility

So now that you now the benefits get off your couch and get out there and go kick some butt, there are tons of kick boxing places available in Calgary.

1 comment:

  1. I love kick boxing too! I have been playing soccer all my life and my coach always makes us go to the gym to get kick boxing sessions with a personal trainers. Awhile ago, my soccer team was put into a boxing ring to practise what we have learnt. It was very intimidating at first but it ended up being really fun once I got into it! The personal trainer would scream at the top of his lungs for us to kick and punch him which was scary, but in the end my team ended up getting a great workout.
    Its really hard but you feel amazing after. I find it also very helpful after a stressful day at school to have a high intensity workout, such as kick boxing to relieve my stress.
    Im not at all surprised Victoria Secret Models do kick boxing! Watching a Victoria Secret fashion show is it very apparent that they know how to workout!
