Monday, February 27, 2012

FRUIT ! Kind of a Big Deal

We see fruits everyday and from a very early age we are told to ``eat our fruits and veggies`` if your curious as to why your parents hasseled you so much to eat these things its because they know best and fruits are one of the best things you could possibly eat. even if your not a health nut fruit is still one of the best sources of vitamins and nutrients. Fruits should be especially important to indivduals who like to maintain a healthy lifestlye. Here are some specific fruits and what they do to your body:

Strawberries are a very good source for vitamin A, C, and K, beta carotine, and folic acid. what these do for your is cleanse your system. They can also help with arthritis and skin problems, and can help to elminate kidney stones.

Apples contain sources of magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C and pectin, this helps to reactivate good gut bacteria and aid in digestion. Apples also do a good job at breaking down fat in your body as well as lowering your cholesterol. So the saying as cheezy as it may be is true ``an apple a day WILL keep the doctor away``.

Blueberries are a rich source of vitamin C and beta-carotene. This makes blueberries a good laxative, as well as a good blood cleanser. Blueberries also help to improve your eyesight as well as overall body circulation and blueberries are an excellent antioxidant.

Bananas are a well known source of potassium, and fiber (about 2 grams). Bananas also make a good fruit source due to the role they play in heart health as well as improving the function of your muscles.

Blacberries are made up mostly of the antioxidant anthocyanin, which gives them their dark purple color. The antioxidant anthocyanin is known to reduce the risk of stroke and cancer. Blackberries are also known to stop the growth of lung cancer cells.

Now that ive shown you how good fruit can be theres no reason not to say yes to eating any type of fruit. There is nothing but benefits guaranteed !

1 comment:

  1. I am always cold! Especially my hands and feet. Maybe I am not eating enough blueberries. I feel as if I have bad circulation.
