Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weight loss/toning

Everyone has the dream of being able to cut weight, tone up the midsection/body or "tighten" there body. Each person who has these dreams all have the same question, "where do I start?" Here I will try to help getting the starting point and give a brief overview of how to do so.

First point that all people need, and many lack is being able to find the motivation/determination to reach their goals. Coming from a guy who use to be 275 pounds, it was hard to get the motivation to go to the gym or even follow a proper diet plan. I felt terrible about myself with no self-esteem or respect for my body etc. and finally hit a breaking point and needed to feel better about myself. So start off by finding personal motivation to reach your goals, even to this day I look at one old picture of myself to make myself stay motivated in reaching my goals (now my goal is to get bigger).

This is me with my former football coach, I felt awful about myself and look back on this picture as motivation to make myself work harder. Using a picture that your not particularly fond of can really give you a smack on the back to make a change. Don't be afraid to take a before and after picture as well as pictures along the way to see your results.
Second part that every person needs to aid in weight loss is a proper diet/meal plan. As explain in a previous  blog I discussed how the key is many small meals to help manipulate the metabolism and boost your metabolism as well. An example of a day's meal plan would be;
Meal 1, 6 Whole Omega-3 eggs
Meal 2, 8oz chicken with 1/2 cup raw almonds
Meal 3, 50g whey protein with 2 tablespoons all natural peanut butter
Meal 4, 8oz salmon with 1 cup asparagus with 1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
Meal 5, 50 g whey protein with 2 tablespoon Peanut Butter
Meal 6, 6 whole eggs
You can substitute any meal for another meal, all are interchangeable. Each meal should be high in protein, low in fat (lean meats/foods) as well as low carbohydrates. Add as many vegetables into each meal as you would like. 

Additionally you could add different supplements into the equation to help speed up the process. Many weight loss pills like F-10 (Advanced genetics), Rapid Cuts (All max nutrition), and Ripped freak (pharma freak) are a few of the hottest products on the market currently. CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) is a naturally found substance in your body that has the ability to help aid in weight loss by reducing the absorption of fat digesting in fat cells., people have the ability to  purchase these in pill form. R-ALA (Alpha Lipioc Acid) is an antioxidant that helps to prevent the gain of fat. Finally ephedrine is a highly potent supplement that can be extremely helpful in weight loss and is very cheap as well.

Thirdly, you need a proper workout regiment to help aid in weight loss. Circuits are the best thing to do to shred calories as well as fat. Most important though is cardio (Bike, treadmill, stepper machine, elliptical, or rowing machine), or even activities like running, skipping rope, swimming or just being active playing your favorite sports. For working out at the gym, the best thing to do is 20 minutes of cardio to workout to get your body temperature up to help shred calories. Followed by a circuit for the body part, or 4 exercises per body part with 4 set of 20 reps. Personal favorite though is a circuit, 4 exercises or more in a row with a minute break after completion of each exercises. Do 4 sets of 15-20 reps with a 1.5 minute break. For chest  as an example, I did, flat dumbbell bench press, flat dumbbell pec flyes, incline dumbbell bench press, incline dumbbell pec flyes, then push-ups. These would be done consecutively. Example of core workout would be, crunches, sit ups, leg raises, double crunches, twisting v-sits, oblique crunches. 4 sets of 12-15 reps done consecutively. Finally finish off the work out by doing another 20-30 minutes of vigorous activity/cardiovascular activity to help burn fat from the body parts you just worked on.

Hopefully this can help people out, its a brief explanation/advice of weight loss, any further questions I am willing to help. Additional Information on weight loss can be found here.

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