Saturday, February 18, 2012

Getting Bigger

There are many different ways individuals would pursue getting "bigger" when it comes to their physical stature. Either a person is looking to gain weight in general, or plan on gaining "clean" weight. When talking about "clean" weight you are looking to just gain muscle and focus on staying lean (or leanish). For each of these, it is the same process to losing weight/toning.

You need to have some sort of motivation and personal drive to be able to push yourself to get the gains you are looking for. Some people are able to look at pictures to help them get motivation, or other people need some sort of music to push them one step forward.  Each person is different and their need for motivation is found in a whole new way. A pre-workout supplement is a very good thing to help increase alertness/motivation as your body is full of energy and raring to go. A few examples of pre-workout supplements are; Superpump max, Nitric Impact, N.O. Xplode.

Obviously working out/training is extremely important when it comes to gaining weight/getting bigger, but no matter how hard you kill yourself at the gym your body will need a proper diet/nutrition to repair itself. Your body is very use to routine, and needs to have large calorie intake to help gain weight and build muscle. This needs to be proper types of "clean food." An example of a days diet would be;

Meal 1 -   2 Scoops Protein Powder
Meal 2 -   1  1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal
       2 scoop protein
       8 egg whites

Meal 3 -   12oz Chicken or 14 oz tuna
       2 cups yams or 2 2/3 cup rice or 10 oz potato
      12 oz carrots or 16 oz green beans or 16 oz cauliflower

Meal 4 -   2 scoops weight gainer. (Such as Mutant Mass, or Quick Mass)

Meal 5 -   12 oz chicken or 13 oz bison or 2 scoops protein powder
               4 cups carrots(8oz) or 8 cups cucumber
               2 cup of yams or 2 2/3 cup rice or 10oz potato

Meal 6 -   12 oz chicken or 13 oz bison or 2 scoops protein powder
               4 cups carrots(8oz) or 8 cups cucumber
               2 cup of yams or 2 2/3 cup rice or 10oz potato
Diet courtesy of Naturally Fit South Calgary. 

Now onto the working out part. Hard muscle mass has bee scientifically proven to be gained during sets that consist of 6-8 reps. Although there are different workouts like 5 sets by 5 reps which still do wonders when gaining muscle/getting stronger. Personally speaking on my bulking stages I do 4-6 sets of 6-8 reps hoping to fail around 6 rep mark and fight through the next few. I take a 1 minute break between sets, unless when super-setting exercises (doing one exercise, proceeded with one directly after before taking a break), then I will take a 1.5 minute break. Each muscle group should receive a minimum of 16 sets of work, I usually do 5 exercises per body group per day. Chest day for example would be; Bench press, Incline dumbbell press super-set with incline pec flyes, Decline Barbell press then finally Under cable cross (or flat bench flyes). This is an example of a bulking workout for chest.

This is a very basic outline on how to bulk up/gain weight. The next thing that would be able to help an individual to gain weight or size would be workout supplements. There are many different areas of workout supplements that would benefit in this department. First of all is protein shakes (typically taken after workout or as a meal when unable to cook) a few of the top products on the market currently for protein shakes are; Isoflex, Diesel,and Quattro. As stated above in the diet, the next thing would be mass gainers, mutant mass and quick mass are the two most popular items on the market. My next suggestion would be an amino acid product. Amino acids are essential in rebuilding torn muscles as there are apart of the branch chain proteins inside your body. A few amino acid products are; GP3, Sizeon (has creatine and glutamine in it aswell), and finally DNA. Additionally items that consist of straight creatine or glutamine are the next idea of the list to "look" bigger as these supplements typically retain a lot of water weight within the muscle in order to rebuild them.

There's a brief overview of trying to get "jacked." I hope this helps whoever is trying to get bigger!

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