Monday, February 27, 2012

The Best of The Best

In the world of sports people are constantly trying to be the best. So in this entry we are going to take a look at some of the best of the best; we are going to look at some of the world records that people have set in the field of sports.

1. The Highest Jump on a BMX bike:
In New York`s Central Park Kevin Robinson broke the world record for highest BMX jump by reaching the height of 54 feet ( the equivalent of a six storey building).

2. Longest Swim:
At 57 years old Martin Strel set the record for longest swim when he swam the Amazon River for 5268 kilometers. This took nine weeks with Strel  swimming 50 miles a day.

3. Most Goals Scored in an NHL Game:
The most goals scored by one team in the NHL was 16, the Montreal Canadiens beat the Quebec Bulldogs 16- 3 on March 3, 1920.

4. Wayne Gretzky:
Where would we be if we didn't discuss one of the most valued players of NHL history, Wayne Gretzky. Gretzky holds many goals in the NHL such as:
Most Points: 2856, this includes games, goals and assists. 3238 points including playoffs.
Most Goals: 894, 1016 including playoffs.
Most Assists: 1692, 2222 including playoffs.
Most 40 or More Goal Seasons: 12

Gretzky holds many more records but we are just going to mention a few. If you want to take a look at the rest of his records you can click on the link.

It amazes me what people will do to set a world record and it definitely takes alot of dedication. I like sports records though because there is always someone no matter what the record is that is determined enough to try and beat it.

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