Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Get Your Water On !

We need roughly about eight glasses of water each day, especially if you are working out. Water is the best thing you can drink period, it hydrates you without any added sugar like pop and juices. I would just like to talk about some of the important health benefits of water. Let`s not get ahead of ourselves though first we should talk about how water functions within the body; the human body is made of roughly 55% to 78% water. The website im getting this info from shows a good diagram so if you want to see more than click the hyperlink. In the diagram it says that just from drinking water our organs can abosrb nutrients much more efficiently, as well as protecting and moisturizing your joints which when you work out can be a great thing to know !

Water can do wonders for your body and you should drink as much of it as you can, just by drinking water you can get rid of headaches or migraines. Headaches and migraines happen because your body is not getting enough water making your brain dehydrated, so forget your advil and reach for a big glass of H20. When you get a sufficient amount of water you can improve many conditions such as diabetes, heartburn, immune diseases and depression. Water also helps your kidneys big time in flushing out toxins from food or even perscription pills. One of the big rewards of drinking alot of water is the huge role it plays in fat metabolism which means simply that when your kidneys are hydrated they can do their job in burning fat which is always a plus ! Because of this people who are lean or fit have more water in their bodies because muscle holds more water than fat.

Without the proper amount of water ourr bodies become dehydrated and can have some serious health effects such as:
- excessive thirst
- dry mouth
- muscle weakness
- dizziness
- lightheadedness

From the list above water is onviously a good choice ! without water our bodies would inevitably shut down and we would die. we need water for so many different things like helps us maintain our bodies pH, as well as water in the blood helps to transport the oxygen we breath to all our organs (kind of a big deal) as well as dissolving toxins and helping them to get flushed out keeping us healthy. so for the obvious reasons ive given you please feel free to GET YOUR WATER ON !

1 comment:

  1. I agree, water is so important to our bodies! A few years ago I drank more juice, coffee, and milk than water. I found myself tired all the time, my skin looking fatigued, and my muscles achy after a work out. I learnt the benefits of water from my rugby coach and started to hydrate myself more. Today, years after playing rugby, I drink anywhere from 2-3 litres of water a day. I have way more energy, my muscles are stronger and my skin is brighter.
    It is amazing how one simple change can make such a huge difference to our bodies! Especially now days with all the vitamin water available there is no excuse for people to be dehydrated. (my favourite flavour of vitamin water is the "essential" one. )
