Thursday, February 2, 2012


What does it take for you to get motivated?  We're not talking about doing your homework, that's a lost cause.  We're talking about in sports and physical activities (duh!).  What does it take for you to skate as hard as you can, hit a jump you've never hit before or run that extra mile?  What pushes you to run an extra mile?  Motivation in sports is a huge factor.

Some athletes are natural motivated, always wanting to do better.  These athletes will always strive to do their best to see themselves or their team succeed.  This isn't something that can be reflected in all athletes though.  Some need a reason to put in everything they have and more.  So, where do these athletes get their motivation from?

As explained in an article titled "Motivation" found online here, there are two distinct types of motivation.  The two types of motivation are intrinsic and extrinsic.  The first of the two consists of motivation which comes from a source inside the performer.  The athlete will set their own goals and be motivated by their own desires to succeed.  The second is motivation caused by a source from outside the performer.  This consists of tangible rewards, such as trophies and medals.  It also consists of intangible rewards, such as recognition.

Being motivated is an essential factor in competition.  If two equally skilled athletes were competing, the more motivated one would likely win in most competitions.  This is also true on a team basis.  So, fellow athletes and performers, where do you get your motivation from?

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